2003, ORKCA Flatwater B

The Basic Level is designed to introduce the novice or relatively inexperienced canoeist to paddling. The emphasis is on mastering the fundamentals of canoeing along with a strong grounding in water safety and safe canoeing practices

2005, Bronze Medallion

The Bronze Medallion is the second step towards the lifeguarding certification in Canada. The award is part of the Lifesaving Society's Bronze series of awards. Bronze Medallion includes water safety, rescues, resuscitation, and an introduction to spinal injury management.

2007, G1 Driver’s License (expired)

Level One of graduated licensing. Holders may drive Class G vehicles with an accompanying fully licensed driver with at least four years driving experience. Subject to certain conditions.

2019, Dino 101

Graduated from UAlberta’s Dino 101, the world’s first paleobiology Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Canada's first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) available for credit to University of Alberta students.